What Would Be the Next Step in the Continual Service Improvement Approach After

Continuous Service Improvement – The seven steps

Andy McComments off.

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No matter the size or effectiveness of your service desk, every operations or service manager questions how to implement continual service improvement (CSI) and make it meaningful. Continual Service Improvement (CSI) uses a metrics-driven approach to identifying opportunities for improvement and to measure the impact of improvement efforts, CSI can be effective only if it is integrated throughout the lifecycle, creating a culture of continual improvement. CSI should ensure that all participants in service delivery understand that identifying opportunities for improvement is their responsibility.

CSI has to be treated like any other practice and  process within the  business.

Identify the goals and strategy for improvement

It's important that this step is already filled out instantly, as identifying what should be measured must be included in the initial stages (as early as planning the Service Design and Service Strategy, the precise areas/items to be measured should be clarified and noted).  Some of the questions you should be asking are: What business outcome am I trying to achieve?  What are the existing and future business requirements?

This step is about positioning yourself for the future and setting the stage for the entire CSI process. It isn't just about saying what you need to measure but why you need to measure it (that's the strategy)

continual improvement cycle 7 steps

Define the areas that you can measure

With the service level requirements, budget constraints and IT capabilities noted and identified, it should be easier to find out what areas to measure.  Conduct a gap analysis, by having the different processes and functions mapped out, the gap analysis will identify which what areas have room for improvement.

Collect the data

To be able to have comparable data, the next step should be to set out to gather and collect raw facts and quantitative data. Data is usually gathered according to the goals and objectives of the service operation.

Process the data

After you've gathered your data, address your findings. This step is all about taking the data and turning it into information that makes sense and provides the ability for analysis. During this time, the raw data is compartmentalised and organised according to its distinctive categories and operations which would make comparing and analysing data much easier.

Analyse the information

Identify the trends you find in your data—both negative and positive trends. It's essential that you document and report on these trends. When the data has reached its target and is instantly codified, information takes place as the data gathered is carefully analysed and carefully compared as to find the missing gaps, flaws and its overall effect of the collected information on the company.  Compare your CSI findings against your overall business strategy—your policies, standards, legal requirements, business imperatives, and so forth. There are four main activities that fall within this step:

  1. Service Strategy analyses the results associated with implemented strategies, policies, and standards.
  2. Service Design analyses the current results as well as trends over a period of time and helps to identify opportunities to improve the design and improve the delivery of the end-to-end lifecycle.
  3. Service Transition analyses the results of the service evaluations that include release and deployment activities.
  4. Service Operation analyses the current results of design and project activities.

Making it usable and presenting the data

The analysed data is now presented to the owners and managing operators of the business in a manner that is clear and well defined. Know your audience, Your CEO or CFO potentially don't need technical detail. What they do need is an overall view on what you've achieved, which services operated, which services didn't operate, which users are unhappy.  This data  should be distributed and explained  in a useful and understandable manner and in a way that answers the company's demands and at the same offers solutions and steps for improvement.

Implement the CSI

As CSI identifies the areas in need of change or the soft spots of the business, the collected data can now be used to start the onset for change. With this gathered knowledge, CSI can offer multiple options and alternative solutions to the discovered problems of the various service operations.  For CSI to work you need to take it seriously, and involve your entire team. turning "knowledge into wisdom"—translating technical knowledge into practical knowledge. .

The compiled facts and data is a great thing to have over time, as it can work as a means to compare and contrast the past instances to present or future emergency conditions.

Remember, as we said in our blog on I.T. change and is explicit in the CSI title, effective improvement is continuous, so once you've gone through all the steps, go right back to the beginning, and do it all over again!


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act, check, continuous, csi, do, do, improvement, plan, service

Posted in: Productivity


Source: https://www.conduit.consulting/continuous-service-improvement-the-seven-steps/

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